Thursday, November 29, 2012

Installing WordPress Locally

why I want to localhost my WordPress ? yup.. yup.. why ? easy, quick and simple answer . I just don't want to crashes and messes my site up . I want to test my theme or any plugin on localhost first, before shifting to WordPress . where in localhost I can make a lot more changes without breaking the production site . however, installing WordPress is not as easy as I thought . It is quite hard for someone like me . yup..yup.. someone like me . 

I've tried so many times to install WordPress on XAMPP . but I'm still getting an error "establishing database connection" . urgggghhh.. bosan tau . until I found this application . WebMatrix . so, what should a beginner like me do ? 

1.  first, download WebMatrix and install it in your computer .
2.  run your WebMatrix, and it will look like this .

3.  go to "App Gallery" .
4.  click "WordPress" .

5.  click "Next" and "I Accept" .
6.  if MySQL is not yet installed, we need to install it before configure WordPress .  to begin the install, just enter your password (remember the password til you die.. hoho) . click "Next" .
7.  downloading and installation will start now .
8.  click "Next" .
9.  done creating database, click "OK" .
10. after click "OK", a new window will open in your browser . fill the required fills . click "Install" .

 11. yay.. it's done ! click "Log in" .

12. enjoy your new WordPress site . 

it's easy right?? hehehe.. all the best . till then . salamun alaik' .